Enjinn Arts strives to foster creative environments wherein art can be engaged with freely and collaboratively. Through the interactive artistic mediums we cultivate, we take realities which may have previously been viewed as limitations for collaboration - differing geographical locations, experience levels, or artistic mediums - and transform them into unique creative opportunities.
Whether working with individuals or with an entire orchestra, our aim is to ensure a substantive and equitable experience for audiences and performers alike, and to make everyone feel welcome to experiment, create, and connect.
We are incredibly grateful to the past and current collaborators who have supported our projects:
A live-networked concert & workshop series
Telematic Collisions
Telematic Collisions is a hybrid online + in-person workshop and concert series hosted by Trevor New, in addition a vast array of artists from around the world with whom he collaborates. The series employs cutting-edge technology (developed by Enjinn Arts with the American Composers Orchestra), in tandem with web-conferencing tools, to enhance audience interactivity and expand the possibilities of collaboration. It has been touted by Zoom Test Kitchen as ‘the most interactive’ use of the web conference platform they have ever seen. The technology has been used for Enjinn Arts performances and workshops at Carnegie Hall, The Dimenna Center, the Tishman Auditorium at Mannes School of Music, as well as countless other locations and institutions.
Audience members can join at in-person locations within the New York area, or may partake virtually from any location in the world with internet connection. They can look forward to innovative renditions of old classics juxtaposed with new compositions, as well as the opportunity to participate in jam sessions and unique creative activities.
Telematic Collisions workshops occur monthly, and are integrated with Co-creation sessions.
Click here to sign up for an upcoming Telematic Collisions event!
Check our calendar & social media for updates on upcoming Telematic Collisions events!
Cohere Touch
Virtually interactive performances with orchestra
Cohere Touch is a work by Trevor New, composed for orchestra, virtual soloists, and augmented reality system (called “The Hub”). The Hub is a custom-built, server-based system that can support in-person and virtual interactivity - an ‘audio-visual playground.’
In-person and virtual audiences can influence both projected visuals and sounds, creating and improvising original music & visuals in real time. Trevor New shares his mission for the work: “I want the audience to feel agency – a sense that each affects the piece; to discover connections to the world around us; to deepen that feeling of connection with people near and far.”
Cohere Touch has been performed with orchestras across the US, in concerts with virtual soloists from all over the world.
More performances of the work are forthcoming throughout future concert seasons; check the event calendar & social media for updates about performances!
Cohere Touch in Education
In a collaboration with Detroit Symphony Orchestra, American Composers Orchestra, and Carnegie Hall, Enjinn Arts will lead a collaborative interactive workshop series, “‘Sonic Spark via Cohere Touch”.
Midori’s Orchestra Residences Program
This initiative is focused on breaking down geographical barriers for youth orchestras to make music together, as well as honoring the immense career of Midori and her contributions to music and education.
Utilizing cutting-edge musical technology developed by Trevor New alongside collaborative partners such as the American Composers Orchestra, the iteration of this project featured in the video below brought together seven youth orchestras to play together in real-time in various configurations. In the video below, students perform works by Derek Bermel, who wrote music specifically to be performed either in-person or in a telematic environment.